Hitsugi no Chaika is the title of the anime adaptation of Hitsugime no Chaika and it aired in Japan's Spring 2014 Anime season in April 9, 2014. Soichi Masui (Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu, Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi o Yobu! Ora to Uchū no Princess) is directing the television series at the anime studio BONES (Eureka Seven, Star Driver). A second anime season called Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle airs for the Fall 2014 Anime season starting October 8, 2014.
Hitsugi no Chaika is the second anime adaptation work based on Ichiro Sakaki's novel series for Masui after the Scrapped Princess TV anime aired in 2003.
Toru Acura is a 20-year-old retired soldier meandering through life now that the war has ended. He encounters Chaika Trabant, a 14-year-old sorceress carrying a coffin, and follows her in hopes of finding meaning to his life again. The two travel with Toru's adopted sister, Akari, the employed member of the group and thus Toru's source of income.
Number | Title | Air-date |
1 | The Girl who Bears the Coffin "Hitsugi Katsugu Shōjo" (棺かつぐ少女) |
April 9, 2014 |
2 | The Lazy Man's Choice "Namakemono no Sentaku" (怠け者の選択) |
April 16, 2014 |
3 | The Forest Where the Hero Lives "Eiyū no Sumu Mori" (英雄の棲む森) |
April 23, 2014 |
4 | The Dragoon's Wish "Doragūn no Negai" (ドラグーンの願い) |
April 30, 2014 |
5 | The Pursuer and the Pursued "Ou Mono Owareru Mono" (追う者追われる者) |
May 7, 2014 |
6 | Red and White "Aka to Shiro to" (赤と白) |
May 14, 2014 |
7 | The Valley of No Return "Kaerazu no Tani" (還らずの谷) |
May 21, 2014 |
8 | Empire of Consolation "Nagusame no Teikoku" (慰めの帝国) |
May 28, 2014 |
9 | The Value of Memories "Kioku no Neuchi" (記憶の値うち) |
June 4, 2014 |
10 | Fortress in the Sky "Ten Tadashi ku Yōsai" (天征く要塞) |
June 11, 2014 |
11 | The False Princess "Itsuwari no Himegami" (偽りの姫君) |
June 18, 2014 |
12 | Those Left Behind "Nokosareshi Mono" (遺されしもの) |
June 25, 2014 |
Number | Title | Air-date |
13 | The Princess Who Gathers the Remains "Itai atsumeru kōjo" (遺体あつめる皇女) |
October 8, 2014 |
14 | A Wizard's Pride "Uizādo no kyōji" (ウイザードの矜持) |
October 15, 2014 |
15 | The Harbor of Phantom Dreams Recollected "Meimu oboeshi minato" (迷夢覚えし港) |
October 22, 2014 |
16 | The Writhing Island "Ugomeku shima" (蠢く島) |
October 29, 2014 |
17 | "The Emperor's Fortune" "Kōtei no isan" (皇帝の遺産) |
November 5, 2014 |
18 | "The Castle of Madness" "Kyōki no shiro" (狂気の城) |
November 12, 2014 |
19 | "Black Agenda" "Kuroi omowaku" (黒い思惑) |
November 19, 2014 |
20 | "The Bells of Contention" "Tōsō no kane" (闘争の鐘) |
November 26, 2014 |
21 | "The Throne That Invites War" "Ikusa maneku gyokuza" (戦まねく玉座) |
December 5, 2014 |
22 | "The Girl Who Carries the Gundo" "Gando ninau shōjo" (機杖担う少女) |
December 10, 2014 |
Number | title | Air-date |
1 | "The Coffin Hunt"
"Nerawa reta hitsugi" (ねらわれた棺) "The Ruins Reborn" "So eru iseki" (蘇える遺跡) |
March 10, 2015 |